Merge to Letters

How to merge to letters from Google Docs?

Create a Google Docs mail merge template and mail merge to letters. Either merge all the rows into a single Google document or create a Google document and PDF for every merged row. 

Video tutorial

Watch this quick tutorial or follow the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to mail merge from Google Docs to letters.

If you have not done so already, install Mail Merge add-on for Google Docs

Introduction to best mail merge for Google Docs

Mail Merge add-on is free to install, works from four Google Workspace apps, benefits from free 24/7 support, and it is packed with useful features that make mail merging easy. All of this means that Mail Merge is the best mail merge add-on available.

Step 1: Create mail merge template 

Create your Google Docs mail merge template.

The Google Docs mail merge template is the basis for your mail merge to letters.

Step 2: Start Mail Merge add-on

Start Mail Merge add-on by clicking on Extensions > Mail Merge > Start to open the Mail Merge sidebar.

Step 3: Select source data

From the Mail Merge sidebar, click on Open Spreadsheet, and then select the Google Sheets file from which you want to mail merge data.

This can be a file from your Google Drive, Shared Drives, or any other file you have access to.

You can import your Google Contacts into a Google sheet by following the steps in this article.

Step 4: Select Google sheet

From the Sheet drop-down menu, select the tab in your Google sheet that you want to mail merge data from.

Step 5: Check source data

Make sure the first row in your Google sheet contains column names (Name, Address, Email, etc). These column names are used as *|merge fields|* in your Google Docs mail merge template.

To be able to merge, you need to have at least one row of data under your column names.

Step 6: Insert and format text or *|merge fields|*

Insert *|merge fields|* into your Google Docs mail merge template by clicking in the desired location within the template, selecting a field from the Merge Field drop-down menu, and clicking on Add.

Repeat this step for all required *|merge fields|*.

*|Merge fields|* are the column names found in the first row of data in your Google sheet. You can change the (font, color, size, etc.) of the *|merge fields|* in your Google Docs mail merge template in the same way you would regular text. You can further customize your letter mail merge template by adding images.

Step 7: Open Options dialog box

Once you have inserted all of your *|merge fields|*, click on Options to open the dialog box.

Step 8: Select between single or multiple documents

 Select either Single Document or Multiple Documents from the Merge Letters Into drop-down menu.

This gives you the option to merge all rows into a single file or to create a new file for every row.

Step 9: Configure file names

If you select Single Document, proceed to Step 10.

If you select Multiple Documents, two additional drop-down menus become available:

Step 10: Save preferences

Click on Save to apply the changes.

Step 11: Mail merge letters

Select Letters from the Merge To list, and then click on Merge to start the mail merge process.

Why the Quicklution Mail Merge add-on is the best mail merge for Google Sheets:

Check out the other add-ons of Quicklution for Google Workspace, including Avery Label Merge add-on.