Schedule Emails

How to schedule mail merged emails from Google Sheets

This article describes how to send mail merged emails on a schedule date and time from Google Sheets using the Mail Merge add-on.

Available in Google Sheets

Video tutorial

Watch this quick tutorial or follow the step-by-step instructions below to find out how to schedule emails in Google Sheets using the Mail Merge add-on.

(Comming Soon)

Step 1: Create the Scheduled column

In Google Sheets, create a new column and name it Scheduled or any other name you wish.

Step 2: Enter the date and time in Scheduled column 

Type the date and time you want the emails to be sent in the Scheduled column.


Step 3: Start Mail Merge

In Google Sheets, click on Extensions > Mail Merge > Start from the menu.

Step 4: Open the 'Email Schedule Process' dialog

Click the Schedule link button.

Step 5: Start the scheduling process 

Select the Scheduled column and click Start.  You can now close the Email Schedule Process dialog and the main dialog. The email schedule process starts running in the background and hence there is no need to leave the Google Sheets file open or your computer on.

To stop email scheduling click the Stop button and close the dialog boxes.