Print Multiple Google Docs

How to print multiple Google Docs at once?

Instead of printing hundreds of Google Docs one-by-one after merging each data row into a Google Doc, this article describes how to print multiple Google Docs at once using the free web app, PDF Merge.

Applicable to only Google Docs

Step 1: Open PDF Merge

Open PDF Merge in your web browser, whic his a free web app that merges all of your Google Docs into a single PDF file that then can be printed.

Step 2: Click Select Files from Google Drive

Click on Select Files from Google Drive.

Step 3: Select merged Google Docs

Select your merged Google Docs (press CTRL+A to select all) from the merged folder, and click on Select.

Step 4: Click Merge

Click on Merge.

Step 5: Click Save PDF to Google Drive

Click on Save PDF to Google Drive.

Step 6: Click Show PDF in DriveĀ 

Click on Show PDF in Drive to open the merged PDF file, which you can then print.