Filter & Track Rows

How to filter and track rows for merging?

This article describes how to filter and track rows of data to be merged when you do notwant to merge all rows of data at once or you only want to merge new rows added since your previous merge.

From Google Docs

Step 1: Create new column

In Google Sheets, create a new column and name it whatever you want (e.g., Filter Rows to Merge).

Step 2: Exclude rows from merging

Type x (or any other text ) in cells in the Filter Rows to Merge column for the rows you want to exclude from merging.

Step 3: Click Options

In Google Docs, click on Options in the Mail Merge sidebar.

Step 4: Select Fliter Rows to Merge column

Select the Filter Rows to Merge column from the Track Merged Rows and Merge Specific Rows drop-down menus.

Step 5: Click Save

Click on Save to apply the changes.


From Google Sheets

Step 1: Start Mail Merge add-on

Start Mail Merge add-on in Google Sheets; a new column called Filter Rows to Merge is created automatically.

Step 2: Exclude rows from merging

Type x (or any other text ) in cells in the Filter Rows to Merge column for the rows you want to exclude from merging.

NOTE: Following the mail merge, the empty cells in the Filter Rows to Merge column are populated with the date/time the merge took place. To merge these rows again, you need to clear/delete the date/time values.

From Google Slides

Step 1: Create new column

In Google Sheets, create a new column and name it whatever you want (e.g., Filter Rows to Merge).

Step 2: Exclude rows from merging

Type x (or any other text ) in cells in the Filter Rows to Merge column for the rows you want to exclude from merging.

Step 3: Click Options

In Google Slides, click on Options in the Mail Merge sidebar.

Step 4: Select Filter Rows to Merge column

Select the Filter Rows to Merge column from the Merge Specific Rows drop-down menu.

Step 5: Click Save

Click on Save to apply the changes.

NOTE: Following the mail merge, the empty cells in the Filter Rows to Merge column are populated with the date/time the merge took place. To merge these rows again, you need to clear/delete the date/time values.

Advanced feature: Conditional logic formula to exclude rows from mail merge

Instead of typing x in the Filter Rows to Merge column to exclude rows, you can create a conditional logic formula in Google Sheets to determine which rows should be excluded. In the example below, rows for employees whose gender is equal to F are excluded from the merge.